Monday, October 1, 2007

Lesley Plumb's Audio Piece

Hi all,
I was reading Guatarri's Chaosmosis and fell upon a section that I thought was relevant and interesting to Lesley's audio piece she played for us on Thursday afternoon.
The passage in question comes from Chapter 1 entitled "On the Production of Subjectivity". I really enjoyed listening to the work and it's cool when something is "pleasing to the ear" but also resonates with the intellect, so here's the intellect: 
"In the domain of poetry, in order to detach itself, autonomise itself, culminate itself, creative subjectivity will tend to seize upon:
1. the sonority of the word, its musical aspect;
2. its material significations with their nuances and variants;
3. its verbal connections;
4. its emotional,intonational and volitional aspects;
5. the feeling of verbal activity in the active generation of a signifying sound, including motor elements of articulation, gesture, mime; the feeling of a movement in which the whole organism together with the activity and soul of the word are swept along in their concentric unity.
And it is in this last aspect, declares Bakhtin, that encompasses all the others.

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